Admissions Enquiries: 020 8832 7542

Prep School

Growing minds, building futures

Pupils in Years 3 to 6 are encouraged to become more independent learners and assume more responsibility for their daily tasks.

We put a lot of emphasis on problem-solving and practical learning, and encouraging the pupils to be curious and explore subjects in order to understand them better.

There are high expectations of work, independence, presentation and organisation for all our children in Key Stage 2.

Having Maths and English Specialists as the Year 5 and 6 form teachers ensures continuity for the last two years and enables the teachers to really know the children’s ability in these subjects which form the basis of the 11+.

Year 5 sit weekly practice tests from the February half term and throughout the Autumn term of Year 6. In the Autumn term of Year 6 children have lessons on interview skills followed by practice interviews with either the Head or Deputy Head. Both Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning are taught in class through tests and applied practice.

My son has made a lot of progress with his reading/ writing . The teachers are obviously differentiating ensuring every child’s needs are being met and providing suitable challenge.

– Parent, Clifton Lodge 2023


A broad curriculum to stimulate and challenge pupils

There are high expectations of work, independence, presentation and organisation for children in Key Stage 2. Standardised testing continues and progress is tracked which contributes towards scholarships offers within school.

Tracking also helps inform conversations with parents about future schools. Each day begins with Maths and English followed by the other subjects taught by class teachers (Geography, History, Religious Studies, Reasoning, Computing, PSHE and Drama).


Students in Key Stage 2 have one French lesson per week where they will develop their oral comprehension skills and learn about grammar and written French.

They will revisit previously learnt topics to learn spellings and be able to communicate accurately in written form, drawing on their understanding of speaking and grammar rules.


At Clifton Lodge we appreciate the importance of good, motivating Sports tuition for health, teamwork and achievement. Sport is played on two days each week with additional matches and competitions throughout the year. One lesson is held on-site in the main playground and on Friday afternoons Key Stage 2 travel to Ealing Trailfinders Sports Ground.

All our Sport is taught by specially trained coaches from Ealing Trailfinders. We focus on skills and team games through football, tag rugby, hockey, netball, cricket and rounders. The sporting highlight of the year is the School Sports Day held in June which everyone takes part in to represent their House.


Years 3-6 are taught Music once a week by the Music teacher. In singing, pupils develop their expression and awareness of phrases and try out singing in parts. Pupils also look at how composers employ the musical elements and recreate these effects, contributing their own ideas. In instrumental work, they further develop their understanding and application of music notation and rhythms when learning more extensive tin whistle pieces.

Children in Key Stage 2 have the opportunity to audition for the School Choir. The Clifton Lodge School Choir is very highly regarded and performs at all the public assemblies and Speech Day; being a member of it is a prestigious position and requires commitment to attend all events and rehearsals. There are also visiting peripatetic teachers to individually teach piano and guitar.


Key Stage 2 pupils have one Art lesson a week with the specialist Art teacher. They will build on their knowledge and skills in the elements of art such as line, symmetry and form, study different types of Art such as architecture, embroidery and needlework and look at country specific Art.

In Key Stage 2 they will have the opportunity to study well known pieces and gain familiarity with famous artists. At the end of each unit the pupils will put this learning into practise in either 2D or 3D form.


Science specialist teaching starts in Year 3 in our dedicated Science Lab. Chemistry, Biology and Physics are all covered in topics such as Cycles in Nature, Simple Machines, The Human Body, Light and Optics, Matter and Change.

The fully equipped Science lab enables practical experiments within lessons which bring to life the theory studied.


Learning outside of the classroom

Key Stage 2 children have the opportunity to take a day trip each term. With a wealth of museums, theatres and locations to visit, our trips are carefully planned to support and extend classroom learning, often including tailored workshops.

There is also a residential trip each year open to Key Stage 2.

Clubs are run after school by teachers from Monday to Thursday. They draw on the interests and talents of our teachers with some external clubs at an additional cost. Clubs change each term and are run after school until 5.15pm.

Preparing pupils for the future

Having Maths and English Specialists as the Year 5 and 6 form teachers ensures continuity for the last two years and enables the teachers to really know the children’s ability in these subjects which form the basis of the 11+. Year 5 sit weekly practice tests from the February half term and throughout the Autumn term of Year 6.

In the Autumn term of Year 6 children have lessons on interview skills followed by practice interviews with either the Head or Deputy Head. Both Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning is taught in class through tests and applied practice at certain question types.

Begin an unforgettable adventure

Children who join Clifton Lodge School develop confidence and gain a genuine love for learning, putting them on the path to success.


3 - 4 yrs old


4 - 5 yrs old


5 - 7 yrs old


7 - 11 yrs old

Learn more.

Clifton Lodge School

Admissions Enquiries:020 8832 7542